

Were you aware of the moment your life started entering a new chapter?
Or are these moments always a product of hindsight?

As another year
comes to a close I have felt something stirring inside. Something akin to the turning of a new page, the start of a new chapter. One built on the dark words that stain the bright pages of the past that now lead into the story that is about to unfold. To give continuity to this cliche of a life I have lead, this change starts with what else, but a story about a girl.

Who she is, is less important than what she represents. She is that leading sentence at the end of a passage that welcomes you into the next act.

Desire is like a ninja. It always hits you when you least expect it and it overwhelms before you can truly come to grips with it.
It took this girl(almost ten years my junior) to finally wake me up. No, not from that all too common tunnel vision that is created when the heart finds the object of its affection. It is an awakening from the tunnel vision of my circumstance.

I am not who I am.

The person I see in the mirror every morning is not the person I am meant to be. I have been playing with two hands tied behind my back. It is time to stop this feign humility and come to terms with the fact that I AM much more intelligent than where I have arrived. I am far more capable, physically and mentally than I have allowed, nay, demanded of myself and it is time to unleash my potential while I still have some more years of growth left.

For far too long I have allowed uncertainty to dictate my every move, and lack thereof. The last few years, maybe decade, can be told in terms of the risks I did not take. This is a pathetic affirmation. An utter disappointment in the eyes of those thinkers I have most admired. What would Nietzsche have said? What would Bruce Lee have said? I am certain of their answers.

It is time. Change or bust. Now or never. Become the person I truly am and express myself honestly. Am I finally ready?
Is the world ready?


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